How do I get a pay advance with Branch?

Last updated on 19 February 2024

How do I get a pay advance with Branch?

You must sign up for Branch using the same email address you use for Indeed Flex. Receiving pay in advance means you will receive payment to a Branch digital wallet as soon as one hour after you've completed your shift. Your money will be available to spend immediately from your Branch digital wallet or you can also move funds from your Branch digital wallet to:
  • Google or Apple Pay immediately for free
  • Another bank within 3-5 business days for free
  • Debit card immediately for a $2.99-3.99 fee if you wish
  • Branch App Support
If you do not wish to receive payment into a Branch digital wallet at all, you should not proceed with “Cash Out”.
  • You will be paid normally with money going to your direct deposit account on the next pay day.
  For more information about Same Day Pay, visit our Same Day Pay FAQ page.