Find out how Whole Earth Provision Co. was able to reach an 86% shift fulfillment rate

Texas, US

The background

With their traditional hiring model not able to bring in the right talent needed in a timely fashion, Whole Earth required something different to meet the demands. They were recommended Indeed Flex.

It seemed like [Indeed Flex] would be a good fit for us and that it might work better than what we had been doing – and it was! It really has worked well” – Jonas Hodges, Warehouse Manager at Whole Earth Provision Co.

The challenges

  • Recruitment and training costs
  • Consumer demand increasing and uncertain staffing levels to support
  • High availability of jobs in the area, offering longer-term employment
  • Quality of worker pool

A woman in an orange safety vest is looking at us and smiling.

The solution

Speed of access to high-quality workers

Ability to build a pool of favourite Flexers

Dedicated Account Manager

The results


85.6% Shift fulfilment rate


97% Repeat worker rate

“The most impressive part is the quality of the [Flexers] that have worked here. They worked really well and were at the top end of the level of the people we’ve hired seasonally”

Jonas Hodges, Warehouse Manager at Whole Earth Provision Co.

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