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We make finding workers fast and simple
Post jobs
Fully customize your job by selecting from a range of preferences.
Choose from vetted workers
Have control over job offers with dynamic options to consistently connect you with the highest quality workers.
W-2 employees
Our workers are W-2 employees of Indeed Flex. You get all the benefits of engaged, W-2 workers without the payroll burdens.
Rate performance and add to your talent pool
Retain your best workers, helping you to build lasting and trusted relationships.
Access a talented pool of workers in your area today!
Highly rated workers
- Average 4.8/5 worker rating: Workers are rated by other businesses on the platform to ensure quality.
- Build your worker pool: Add your favorite 5-star workers to your roster to ensure they get first pick of your future shifts.
Industry leading reliability
- 91% average fulfillment rate: Our large number of workers helps ensure industry-leading fill rates.
- Secure reliable W-2 workers: Go W-2 with Indeed Flex. No 1099 Hassles.
Fast and simple
- Know who’s coming: See the profiles and experience of workers who have picked up your shift within minutes of posting.
- Fill shifts in hours, not days: Shifts can be filled with just a few hours notice.
- Make changes wherever you are: Manage shifts on the go with our mobile app
Positions we serve
Frequently Asked Questions
How does pricing and payment work?
How do you pre-screen workers?
Do you offer W-2?
What states does Indeed Flex operate in?
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