There’s a massive shift within job trends in America. Many jobseekers have taken challenges thrown at them during the Covid-19 pandemic and utilized them as a catalyst for change. For many, the pandemic served to realign priorities, and working soul-draining jobs took a back seat to more important things. As a result, many have found themselves facing a career pivot. Meanwhile, those entering the job market for the first time are doing so with a keen sense of their own priorities. In the post-pandemic world, people want to work to live rather than live to work.
Answering the question of which path to follow can be overwhelming. There are endless possibilities when choosing a career. The pressure to choose the “right” path on the first try is immense, and the stakes are high. That’s where Indeed Flex steps in to help. With Indeed Flex, you can sample different jobs before you commit to a career. With available shifts in the hospitality industry, facilities management, industrial roles, and clerical positions, Flex offers a wide variety of options to try. Furthermore, getting verified in multiple sectors provides even more possibility for shift opportunities. Sampling a variety of roles allows you to make informed decisions when it comes to choosing which sector is ultimately the best fit for you.
If you’ve already established a career and are contemplating a career pivot, determining next steps is daunting. Trying roles in different sectors with Indeed Flex is a good way to flesh out where your passion truly lies. Additionally, experience gained at different shifts serves to prepare you for future roles once you determine which passions you wish to pursue. However, not everyone is looking to begin or change careers. Some people thrive on variety. If that sounds like you, Indeed Flex allows you to mix it up as much as you choose. Barista today, forklift driver tomorrow? Why not?! The sky’s the limit, and you’re in control. At Indeed Flex, you work where you want, when you want. We want you to find happiness and fulfillment in both your work life and personal life, and our aim is to help you strike the perfect balance. Indeed Flex empowers you to call the shots and control whether your work life aligns with your priorities. Find the right career that coincides with your goals, your values, and your lifestyle.
Download the App for IOS or for Android, and start forging a fulfilling path today.