Get Hired as a Dishwasher and Earn Same-Day Pay!

Find flexible Dishwasher roles in your area with competitive pay, great benefits, and the opportunity to get paid the same day. Don’t wait — these roles fill fast!

Download the Indeed Flex app now & complete your application!

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Getting started is easy

Follow these simple steps to discover opportunities nearby:

  1. Download the Indeed Flex app and complete your profile.
  2. Search for jobs in your local area.
  3. Book your interview.
  4. Book shifts, start working and earn money.
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Male Kitchen Porter or dishwasher washing dishes at a restaurant kitchen.

Hear what Flexers have to say

It took one day for me to be able to find work! I’ve had a great experience. That’s why I’ve stayed with Indeed Flex for three years.



Having lost my job, I sought something flexible to allow me to pursue my university studies and second career while earning money at the same time. As much as you want to work, you can do.



What brought me to Indeed Flex was the flexibility to work in different places as it gives you the opportunity and freedom to be creative as a chef.



Indeed Flex gives me the opportunity to feel financially stable. I was amazed at the control of how many hours I wanted to do, where I wanted to work; the location, the client, and the type of shift.


Hospitality and Retail

Jobs across multiple locations

Indeed Flex app allows you to browse and apply for jobs on the go, giving you the flexibility to work when and where you want.

Whether you’re an experienced hospitality worker, who’s held a dishwasher role before, or you’re just starting your career in sector, download the Indeed Flex app and get instant access to our latest job opportunities in the hospitality industry.

Locations we work in

Austin, TX Dallas, TX Houston, TX Nashville, TN Atlanta, GA Cincinnati, OH Columbus, OH Ontario, CA

Got more Questions?

How do I find the ideal dishwasher jobs?

What does dishwashing work involve?

What are the benefits of temporary dishwasher jobs?

How do I find flexible dishwasher jobs?

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